
Our Governance Approach

At Twin Eagle, we are a responsible steward running our business with integrity and transparency – the very heart of our Core Values. Our policies and procedures are designed to provide our stakeholders with company information that is accurate, timely, and meaningful.

Business Conduct

Business Conduct

Commitment to honest, ethical
business practices

 Business Partner Code of Conduct


Compliance and Reporting Violations

Utilize confidential hotline
reporting service


Bribery and Corruption

Maintain the highest standards of ethics and compliance

cyber security

Cyber Security

Continual monitoring and improvement of our systems and information


Political Lobbying and Donations

Will not corporately endorse candidates



  • Anonymous hotline for reporting compliance violations
  • Mandatory annual FCPA training for all employees
  • Prohibit donations to campaigns, lobbying organizations, or other political entities
  • Board controlled by non-employee members
  • Integration of Microsoft’s communication compliance tools with Twin Eagle e-mail servers


  • Expansion of Microsoft’s communication compliance tools to chat applications
  • Implementation of KPIs on ethics training, whistleblowing procedures, ethics-related incidents, and legal actions
  • Expansion of trading compliance dashboard
  • Expansion of compliance internal audit procedures