ESG Overview

Enhancing Our Objectives with an ESG Program

Twin Eagle’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitment aims to link business operations, corporate stewardship, and financial success with our culture of communication and engagement to encourage the development of best practices, particularly related to our customers, stakeholders, and communities. We are focused on integrating our Core Values of Safety, Performance, Learning, Integrity, and Teamwork with an ESG Program that seeks to enhance our enterprise, business activity, and financial objectives.

The ESG Framework



Climate Change
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Waste and Pollution



Health and Safety
Working Conditions
Community Impact
Employee Relations & Diversity
Customer and Supplier Relations



Business Conduct
Compliance & Reporting Violations
Bribery and Corruption
Cyber Security
Political Lobbying and Donations

“With the growing urgency to reduce industry carbon emissions we are methodically and responsibly reducing our own carbon footprint and pursuing a viable strategy for our customers that includes providing renewable and clean energy products and services that will assist them in their transition to a low-carbon future.”

— Twin Eagle Management Team